Meet the Changemakers

Meet the Changemakers

Ariel Guzman Garcia

Field Engineer


Member of a native music community

Champion of spicy food in EIA

Enjoys hiking and cycling

Ariel Ronald Guzmán Garcia obtained his degree in civil engineering in 2023. He is from the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia. Before joining EIA he worked in a bicycle delivery start-up called Ecodelivery. He calculated carbon emissions and organized the crew of cyclists as a supervisor for four years until one of the owners connected him with EIA so that he could use his engineering skills on a more regular basis.

Ariel officially joined EIA as an intern in 2022 and now he is a field engineer helping as an interpreter, mason, supervisor, and coordinator. He enjoys the variety and the opportunity to work with rural communities.

Ariel is a member of a native music community, which helps him maintain his strong sense of community and environmental care. He enjoys hiking in the mountains and riding bicycles. He is the champion of spicy food in EIA and likes craft beer. He enjoys seeing his bridge county continue to grow and has spent many hours behind the wheel driving to towns in Bolivia to build bridges for communities.

We're passionate about our people – here's their path in Engineers in Action!

  • 2018

  • Jicaro Trailbridge in Nicaragua

  • The Throne of Glass series